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Join Adelaide Gang Show: Production

Production is the singing, dancing and musical part of the show! The following areas make up the Production department


The cast are the people actually on stage. Being a cast member means learning songs, dance steps, sketch lines and all sorts of stage techniques during rehearsal, and then putting it all together for a season on the stage.

An audition is required, but no experience is necessary!
When the cast are singing and dancing, they need music, and that's where the orchestra comes in. Most instrument families are represented in our orchestra, and the range of music to be learned ranges.

Musical experience is required to join the orchestra.
Production Team
The Production team are the Directors, Assistant Directors, Production Assistants, Musical Directors, Choreographers and other people needed to plan out and co-ordinate the show.

They start planning the next year's show as soon as the current one finishes, and put a lot of work in over the year to give us great material to perform!
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Current News

2014 show dates,
Sept 23-27.

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